Saturday, January 7, 2012

Advertising and promotion - metal sources

Hi there readers...I wanted to put a little note up here about metal sources.

I often use recycled metal, but there are times when good, clean, reliable stock of known composition is really important.  And it can be a lot easier to work with.  Recently I dropped in a picture of a rebar hook that I made.  It is cool and I'm happy with a lot of aspects of the piece, but cleaning up the ends was not easy.  Forging them out was hard too.  They cracked unusually often and it took a lot to keep them together.

Point is, sometimes you want easy to work, reliable stock.  I don't think that I'm exactly giving up a state secret nor that I'm selling out by advertising for the folks who often provide my metals.  You'll find them over on the left hand side of the page, now.  Onlinemetals has been pretty good to me and has all sorts of options that makes my hobby/sideline so much easier to do.  You can also find things for small construction and home improvement projects.  And there are plastics and other things available from them.  Check them out and if you do, please click through so that I can get my next purchase just a little cheaper.  Thanks.

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