Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where now?

All right, for my sanity, I need to create something new in my shop.  Problem is, I don't know what.  I'm considering small knives to learn heat treating, but that's a whole new world that I'm not quite ready to deal with.  So, what else?  I definitely need something new and I have a few ideas, but what do you think?  Leave me a suggestion.

Mixed materials candle holder

 I had a great time...and a very frustrating time making this piece.  It isn't what I had planned, but I am quite happy with it nonetheless.  It is a good bit simpler than I had envisioned, but I kind of like that.  The base is slate and the rest are pieces made on the forge.  I cheated a bit with the candle cups and used pre-fused sections, but worked them into the right shape.  Now I just have to go back a decide what to do with the discarded pieces from the original project.