Sunday, October 16, 2011

A rose by any other name...

Here is an asymetrical rose wall hook from my forge.  Rose itself is patina'ed and the rest of the hooks are left natural.  There are two places for screws to attach to a wall.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Iron ring

Here is a ring, great to use for a towel rack, plants or anything that you want to attach to it.  A small tail follows the twist put into a square piece of barstock, giving an interesting finish to the circle.  Opposing twists give a continuous spiral feel to this ring.  It is a good pattern to pair with vines and to provide a contrast between strong lines so common in the anthropologically constructed world and a curving round flow that feels much more natural. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Back for the fall

Well, folks, the summer was long, hot and hard, but the cool air is blowing again and the fires aren't so onerous.  I worked on some of this stuff over the summer, but didn't get very far.  To open autumn, I want to share some works in progress.  I'm making wine hangers.  At this point, they are for hanging a bottle on the wall, but in the near future, I'll be posting some photos.  For now, enjoy the beginning of the autumn, and the opportunity for me do this working without risking heat stroke.

Wine...and steel

Here is one of the wine racks that I am working on.  A bottle holder that will allow you to proudly display a bottle  of your favorite vintage.

This is the second that I am working on.  It is going to be simple.  The leaf might get turned to wrap the bottle a bit more closely.  I thought that I was going to like the simple silhouette, but I don't.  That probably means veins for it.  Hoping to finish this piece this weekend.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New round of plant hooks

Well, it is planting season and I wanted to get a few things started for spring.  I'm trying out some steel knotwork and I think that I like the way that it is turning out.  The little guys are key chains, by the way...not plant hooks.

I'm hoping to send these pieces out on commission somewhere.  I'll update here if that happens!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What makes me happy...

Made a swap last week: a bottle opener for a big ol' bottle of beer.  Home brew.  Seemed fair and square.  And I added a nickname to the ever growing list of things people have called me: Dr. Blacksmith.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where now?

All right, for my sanity, I need to create something new in my shop.  Problem is, I don't know what.  I'm considering small knives to learn heat treating, but that's a whole new world that I'm not quite ready to deal with.  So, what else?  I definitely need something new and I have a few ideas, but what do you think?  Leave me a suggestion.

Mixed materials candle holder

 I had a great time...and a very frustrating time making this piece.  It isn't what I had planned, but I am quite happy with it nonetheless.  It is a good bit simpler than I had envisioned, but I kind of like that.  The base is slate and the rest are pieces made on the forge.  I cheated a bit with the candle cups and used pre-fused sections, but worked them into the right shape.  Now I just have to go back a decide what to do with the discarded pieces from the original project.